Mutual exchange

Thousands of people have been helped to swap their rented home with someone else. This can help if you need to move to a different part of the country, or if your home is no longer suitable for you. You can find someone yourself, or check the national homeswapper website for free help finding people wanting to swop with you.


Get all the advice you need to get this right from the Sheffield Property Shop website. 

Sheffield Property Shop: Mutual exchanges.

Call: 0114 293 0000.

If you’re in social housing you can also apply to move to a property with fewer bedrooms if your home is too big for you. You apply for Under Occupancy priority. You can find out more on the Sheffield Property Shop website.

Sheffield Property Shop.

Call: 0114 293 0000.

The Council’s Health and Housing team can help you if you’re having problems in your home because of a health condition or disability. This includes things like:

  • you have severe mobility problems and cannot reach essential facilities in your home, like the toilet, bath or shower, or you cannot get in or out of your home.
  • you have to live closer to a carer, or your carer has to live closer to you, for essential support with daily living.
  • you have a long term health or mental health problem and your housing situation is making your problems significantly worse and you find it difficult to live independently.

The Health and Housing team can also advise you on support to allow you to remain in your home. They will also liaise with the Equipment and Adaptations team to see if any equipment or adaptations would enable you to remain independent in your home.

To apply for medical priority housing, fill in an application form. To get a form call or email the Health and Housing team, or call into any council housing office or First Point.

Call: 0114 273 5522.


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