Managing your Direct Payment

If you receive a Direct Payment but need support to be able to manage your money, there are a number of different options you can choose to help you do this. 

These options may not be suitable for everyone, and your Social Worker will be able to support you to decide on the best option for yourself.

Sheffield City Council: Direct payments and managing your care.

There are a number of different ways a relative or family member can help you with your direct payment.

If you have your Direct Payment paid to you, but you need some help to pay invoices or setting up standing orders, a relative can help you with these and similar tasks but you still remain in control of your Direct Payment. This person is known as a Direct Payment main contact. This means that you are happy for Sheffield City Council to discuss your Direct Payment with this person. 

If you need more support to manage your Direct Payment, you could ask a family member or a friend to manage your Direct Payment on your behalf. This person would be known as a Nominated Agent. This person will receive your Direct Payment on your behalf and will manage it for you. 

They would be responsible for ensuring any bills or invoices for your care and support were paid correctly and on time. 

They would also be responsible for maintaining records on how your Direct Payment was spent and keeping receipts if needed. They would also be required to submit requested information for auditing purposes. They will receive guidance and support with this if required.

The Direct Payment Support Service is contracted by Sheffield City Council to offer advice, support and assistance around setting up Direct Payments and resolving issues as well as offering support to people who recruit and employ Personal Assistants (PAs). The service is FREE for new and existing Direct Payment recipients to access and is delivered by Penderels Trust.

If you have a Direct Payment, the Direct Payment Support Service can support you to be able to manage your Direct Payment yourself e.g. setting up a bank account, learning how to pay invoices etc. and also answer any questions about Direct Payments you might have.

You can contact the Direct Payment Support Service yourself.

Call: 0114 698 6959.


Alternatively, you can be referred to the support service by a social worker.

For further information, you can visit the Direct Payment Support Service website.

Direct Payment Support Service.

The Direct Payment Support Service does not provide Managed Account and/or Payroll Services, which are separate and different services. More information can be found in the Money Management Companies section below.

Sheffield Credit Union

Sheffield Credit Union offers 2 different accounts. These are:

  • SCUBA Budgeting Account and the
  • SCUBAlite account.

Both accounts allow you to pay in an income into the account. 

The SCUBA Budgeting Account has a fee of £10 a month and this account pays up to 5 regular bills. 

The SCUBAlite account has a fee of £5 a month and this account pays 1 or 2 regular bills. 

Any money left over in your account is kept as unspent monies and can be used for other things, as long as they meet your identified needs and outcomes.

If you're eligible to join, you can join on-line. If you don't live in the Sheffield City Region, they will ask for proof of your employment or other eligibility criteria before making you a full member.

When you join, you will need to pay the joining fee which is £4 + £1 minimum deposit.

Sheffield Credit Union: SCUBA Budgeting Accounts.

Contact Details:

16 Commercial Street, S1 2AT.

Call: 0114 276 0787.


Shropshire Credit Union - ‘The just credit Union’

Shropshire Credit Union offers an account specifically for individuals who receive Direct payments. 

Your Direct Payment will be paid directly into this account every four weeks by Sheffield City Council and the Credit Union will arrange to make payments directly for all the costs associated with your care and support.

It doesn’t matter if you have your support provided by an agency, or have Personal Assistants in place, all you need to do is send the invoices and/or timesheets to the Credit Union and they will make the payments on your behalf.

This account still allows you to have choice and control over the support you receive. It also keeps you in control of your support and Direct Payment and allows you to choose your own support providers and has the flexibility to change providers.

There is currently no charge made for this service. 

Just Credit Union.

A Money Management Company can manage your Direct Payment for you and arrange payment for all bills and invoices for your care and support. 

If you have been assessed as not having capacity to make decisions about your Direct Payment and use a Money Management Company to manage your Direct Payment, you will need to have a 'Suitable Person' to make decisions in your best interest. This person could be a relative or a friend. 

A Money Management Company will charge an annual fee to manage your Direct Payment and this fee is included in your Direct Payment.

Many of these companies have agreed to meet the Council's minimum quality standards and follow a clear quality framework.

Each of these companies have the Money Management Recognised Provider List Award, and will show this logo on their page.

For more information about this speak to your social worker, or get more details on our Money Management Recognised Provider List page. 

Money Management Recognised Provider List.

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