Your Home

As you become an adult, we can support you up until the age of 25 to access suitable accommodation or social housing.

Your Personal Advisor will support you to set up your home and visit you at your accommodation, to check that you are managing. Some of the accommodation options available are:


When you are ready to manage a tenancy, as a care leaver your Personal Advisor will support you to apply to join the housing register and make an application for you to receive priority status at Band B within Sheffield for suitable social housing.

We work with housing colleagues to support you; this includes former unaccompanied asylum seeking children despite not having leave to remain in the UK. If you live outside of Sheffield, your Personal Advisor can support you to apply to the local authority housing register where you live and ask if they would support a priority application as a Care leaver within their area.

Remain living with your foster carer past the age of 18 up to the age of 21, this includes support if you go to university or into the armed forces. As you will be living with your foster carer as an adult, we will help you develop a Staying Put living together agreement which details how you will contribute to household expenses etc.

This is accommodation where you are provided with independent accommodation but are able to get extra help and support from key working staff.


You can choose to rent a room in a house of a ‘host’ family. Similar to Staying Put, this means that you would be a lodger in the home.

The opportunity to practice independent living skills in a property with support from the Leaving Care Service.

Where you share a flat or house with other tenants. If you are on a low income or claiming benefits, you will usually get the 1-bed self-contained local housing benefit allowance rate if you’re a Care Leaver under the age of 22.

If you choose to enter privately rented accommodation, we will offer you advice and support. If you are on a low income or claiming benefits, you will usually get the 1-bed self-contained local housing benefit allowance rate if you’re a Care Leaver under the age of 22.

Shared Lives - If you need extra support with independent living, Shared Lives provides trained carers, or it may be your foster carer who offer extra help and support in different ways to meet specific needs. This arrangement could continue indefinitely or until you feel ready to live in independently or move to other supported accommodation.

We will also support you to become Tenancy Ready giving you the best chance of maintaining a tenancy.

If you are at university, we will help you secure accommodation during holiday periods alongside term time.

If you are a tenant in a council property, we also provide housing support clinics to support your tenancy. We can also pre-register you on the Sheffield housing register for council properties in the lead up to your 18th birthday, if that is what is best suited to your needs.

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