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Autistic Children and Carers Together (ACCT)

ACCT supports around 500 autistic children and their families in Sheffield each year. We run Autism-friendly children’s and teenage multi-activity sessions, single activity groups including football, gaming and drama, as well as support for parents and carers and whole family activities.

At ACCT, autistic children and young people find a supportive environment where they can be themselves without feeling the pressure to hide or mask their autistic behaviours. Our support helps autistic young people to develop confidence and social skills, make friends, and learn to better understand and manage the ways that Autism affects them.

We run the following multi-activity sessions each week, open to autistic children and young people:

- Acctivate Saturday mornings for children aged 5-12

- Teenage Club Wednesday evenings.

Acctivate and Teenage Club are held at St Mary’s Community Centre, Bramall Lane. Sessions include a wide range of activities including ICT, games, construction, arts and crafts, a sensory room, space to relax and chat, football and outside activities.

Most places at Acctivate and Teenage Club are available to families who are referred to ACCT through the Sheffield City Council Short Breaks for Disabled Children Programme (SNIPS). We are occasionally able to offer places to children and young people in urgent need without a referral, though places are in high demand.

ACCT also run a series of single activity groups each week:

ACCT Academy football coaching for children and young people aged 5-18. Sessions are held every Friday evening at Goals Sheffield all-weather pitches.

Gaming groups including Minecraft and Dungeons & Dragons groups held online as well as in-person D&D sessions.

We regularly run other groups and taster sessions. For example, we have been running our Autism-friendly Drama Club for the last two years. Please check the ACCT website or Facebook page for more information.

ACCT also delivers activites for young adults, parent-carers and the whole family:

ACCTing Out - fortnightly social group for young autistic adults

Parent-carer meetings held online every two weeks.

Autism-friendly family swimming sessions and a programme of family trips and activities.

Places at single activity groups, ACCTing Out and parent and family activities can be accessed by ACCT members - you don't need a referral. It's free for families to become members of ACCT and free to attend our sessions. Please see for information on joining ACCT.

Cost details

Free of charge. Donations welcome.

Time details

Varies by activity - check website

Details around accessibility

St Mary's is an accessible venue. Our sessions are held on ground floor spaces.

Eligibility criteria for your service and any priority groups

Open to autistic children and their families in Sheffield, with or without a formal diagnosis.

Link to Local Offer Information on your website

Staffing arrangements/training to support children or young people with SEND

Staff trained in safeguarding, working with autistic children, Team Teach, MAPA, Paediatric First Aid and range of other skills.

Maximum places

30 places at both Acctivate and Teenage Club
Last updated: