Disability Confident Employer

Disability Confident scheme

5 cartoon people, one of whom is in a wheelchair

The Disability Confident scheme supports employers to make the most of the talents disabled people can bring to the workplace.

There are 3 levels:

To be recognised as Disability Confident Committed, the employer must agree to the Disability Confident commitments and identify at least one action that they will carry out to make a difference for disabled people.

The commitments are:

  • inclusive and accessible recruitment
  • communicating vacancies
  • offering an interview to disabled people
  • providing reasonable adjustments
  • supporting existing employees

The activities include (they must identify at least one):

  • work experience
  • work trials
  • paid employment
  • apprenticeships
  • job shadowing
  • traineeships
  • internships
  • student placements
  • sector-based work academy placements

To be a Disability Confident employer, they must do all of the things listed in becoming Disability Confident Committed.  They must also prove they are:

  • getting the right people for their business
  • keeping and developing their people

If you see the below logo then you know that the employer is a Disability Confident Employer.

Text says disability confident employer.  There are 4 squares to the left, one is pink with 2 images of people, one is purple with 2 white ticks, one is dark blue and has a white padlock, one is green with a person and a speech bubble in white

To be a Disability Confident Leader, the employer will need to do all the things to be Disability Confident Committed and be a Disability Confident Employer.  They will act as a champion within their local and business communities.

To reach this level they will need to:

  • have a self-assessment validated by someone outside of their business.  
  • provide a short story to show what they have done or will be doing to support their status as a Disability Confident Leader.
  • confirm they are employing disabled people.
  • report on disability, mental health and wellbeing, by referring to the Voluntary Reporting Framework.

Disability Confident scheme - find out more

You can read more on the government website.  If you are an employer, you can find out how to sign up.

Last updated: