Family Hub Network

The Family Hub Network will improve connections between early years providers, community partners and the families they link with. Network members will promote the Family Hub and Start for Life offer, to ensure all families have access to support and services on offer.

The network will ensure an increase in the number of families accessing Family Hub services including:

• Parenting

• Infant feeding 

• Perinatal Mental Health (PNMH) & Parent and Infant Relationship Service (PAIRs) Parent Infant Mental Health

• Home Learning Environment

Working together to deliver:

• Better connection across families and services

• The right information to families at the right time

• To meet family need at the earliest opportunity

• To work whole family, providing a seamless offer of support

As a member of the Family Hub Network, here are some of the things we will provide to you and the contributions you can offer us.

  • Training- upskilling your workforce, volunteers, students and other community organisations in the area.
  • Access to the Sheffield Directory
  • A chance to network with other organisations.
  • Awareness of Early Help
  • Loaning of resources
  • A Family Hub Network logo
  • Co-location and connectivity between services in the locality.
  • The opportunity to shape services for families in your area by being a member of the Family Hub and Start for life partnership meetings
  • Promotion of network members service offer to families - Two-way sign posting
  • Communications information pack
  • Promotion of the Family Hub and Start for life services.
  • Promoting services on your organisations social media pages and newsletters
  • Supporting other organisations and network members
  • Showcasing your service
  • Displaying Family Hub information
  • Co-location and hosting of Family Hub and Start for Life services
  • Promote Family Hub and Start for Life volunteer opportunities to local parents and carers
  • Being a member of the Family Hub and Start for life partnership meetings - Enabling you to shape services for families in your area
  • Launching and promoting campaigns
  • Recruiting parents to the parent and carer panel
  • Signing up to become a Breastfeeding Friendly venue
  • Follow the Unicef Baby Friendly code
  • Ensuring information about your offer is up-to-date by using the Sheffield Directory and the similar central Gov tools.

If you’re interested in becoming a Family Hub Network member or would like more information contact:

Natalie Burrows, Family Hub Team Manager and Network lead -

Last updated: