What are the Post 16 education options?

In Sheffield, there are a number of schools and colleges that are for young people aged 16 and over.

Post 16 is a term used when talking about what happens after you have finished school.  Some schools have a Sixth Form that is for Post 16 education.

Each school or college has different subjects and courses. By contacting the school or college you can find out more about these.

Post 16 courses are generally around 16 hours per week (around 540 hours per year). This is considered to be a full time program and is usually offered over 3 days a week. Sometimes the time will be spread out over more than 3 days. This is something that the education or training provider can tell you.

The days when you're not in college

It is really important to think about what will happen when you or the young person is not in college.  Some may be able to fill this time with homework, part time work or volunteering.  This may not be appropriate for everyone with SEND. 

Find out more

You can find out more by clicking on the headings under "In this section" or on the "Next" button.  They will tell you about the different schools and colleges in Sheffield.  This is known as the "Post 16 Education Offer".