Sheffield Parent Hub - Group Programmes

Group parenting programmes are for those who are finding being a parent a bit of a challenge.

Programmes range from 5 to 15 weeks. Covering the full range of parenting strategies with personalised support to help you put these into practice back home.

There are different programmes depending on the age of your child and their needs.

The programme builds positive parenting skills and promotes bonding, language and development. It is recommended that baby attends the programme with parent/s

Duration: 10 weeks

It deals with the kinds of issues that can make family life stressful. It strengthens parent-child interactions and attachment, reducing harsh discipline and fosters parents’ ability to promote their children’s social, emotional, and language development.

Duration: 12 weeks

Baby and Us covers topics such as:

  • following your baby’s cues
  • how to feel more confident in your role as a parent
  • learning to communicate responsively with your baby
  • building a good attachment between you and your baby
  • an opportunity to develop friendships with other parents
  • games, singing, physical touch and play to have fun with your baby
  • understanding your baby’s temperament
  • thinking about your relationships within the family and how these affect you and your baby
  • support to understand your baby’s crying/ sleeping / feeding, and the practicalities of your baby’s routine

For parents/carers of babies under 9 months old at the start of the course.

Duration: 9 weeks

The programme builds positive parenting skills and capacity and aims to promote children’s health and well-being.

The programme looks at the four key components, Play, Praise, Effective Limit Setting and Handling Misbehaviour.

Duration: 15 weeks

Generic universal parenting programme for parents of children 1-12. The programme promotes positive parenting strategies, coping and self-care skills.

Duration: 9 weeks

This course aims to improve child development outcomes, parenting, family resilience and family relationships. The programme creates a trusting group ethos where parents are encouraged and supported. It is run by parent volunteers who have completed the Empowering Parents Empowering Children training and their experiences, backgrounds, skills and qualities make each session inviting and engaging.

Duration: 8 weeks

Fear-Less Triple P is a cognitive-behavioural parenting intervention that supports parents to help children manage their anxiety more effectively. The programme encourages parents to generalise strategies to all family members, not just the child of concern. Fear-Less Triple P aims to help parents to set a good example of coping with anxiety, coach their children to become more emotionally resilient, and develop a toolbox of strategies and choose the most effective to respond to their child’s anxiety.

Duration: 6 weeks

This programme will help you manage your child’s worries and help them become more confident. We know that it can be very difficult raising an anxious child. Many parents tell us that they can be torn between pushing their child to face their fears but wanting to protect them when they’re frightened and worried. It can be hard to know the best thing to do.

This programme is designed to help parents understand anxiety and to give them strategies for building their child’s confidence. As a loving parent you are in a great position to help them learn to deal with their worries.

Living with Teenagers is an 8 week group programme offered to parents/carers of young people aged from 12 to 16 years old.

The course is led by trained EPEC (Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities) parent facilitators and aims to support you to manage both you and your teen's feelings, communicate and interact positively with your teen, use positive behaviour management strategies and manage parental stress.

Duration: 8 weeks

Generic universal parenting programme for parents of teenagers. The programme promotes positive parenting strategies, dealing with emotional and risky behaviours, coping and self-care skills. Find out how to promote your child’s or teenager’s emotional wellbeing, support your children to cope with life’s ups and down’s and make family life more enjoyable for everyone, with tips that really work.

Duration: 8-10 weeks

Parenting children & young people with special educational needs and disabilities

Sheffield Parenting Hub has a range of programmes available to all.

These programmes are specifically designed for parents and carers of children with SEND.

This programme is for parents of children 0-12 who have a child with disability. The programme builds parenting skills for promoting children’s development, social competence and self-control and is delivered in a group setting

Duration: 10 - 12 weeks

This course will help parents/carers of children with Autism. The programme explores ways of managing behaviour, raising self esteem and confidence. It is run by parent volunteers who have completed the Empowering Parents Empowering Children training and their experiences, backgrounds, skills and qualities make each session inviting and engaging.

Duration: 10 weeks

A 15 week programme for parents of children aged 2-8 years that may be displaying complex challenging behaviour. It tailors to each child’s individual needs and their development. It strengthens parent-child interactions and attachment, reducing harsh discipline and fosters parents’ ability to promote their children’s social, emotional, and language development.

Incredible Years has been evaluated for over 30 years working with families of children with ADHD, Autism and Language delays all over the world and has been proven to work!

Duration: 15 weeks

Cygnet is a parenting support programme for parents and carers of children aged 10+ who are Autistic. Parents of children on the autistic spectrum face the usual positive and difficult challenges of parenting and quite a few more. Attending Cygnet gives parents and carers an opportunity to develop their understanding of autism and look at practical solutions to support their child. It also provides the opportunity to meet other people in a similar position and hear about their experiences in an informal but supportive atmosphere.


• will increase your knowledge of Autism,

• help you understand your child’s perspective on the world

• help you develop a toolkit of strategies

• signpost you to local agencies that will help support you and your child

• provide you with an opportunity to meet other parents and create supportive networks

Duration: 10 weeks

Co-Parenting Group Programmes

Co-parenting is a challenge whether you are parents living together or parents who are separated. In Sheffield we recognise this and have the following programmes you can access to support.

This is a parallel programme for parents/carers who are experiencing personal stress from separation or divorce which is impacting or complicating parenting. It gives parents ways to limit the negative effects on child development by promoting parenting and family processes that contribute to family adjustment after separation. It focuses on skills to resolve conflicts and cope positively with stress.

Duration: 6 weeks

This programme is specifically for parents and carers who are concerned about disagreements, quarrels and unresolved difficulties in their relationship that is affecting their parenting. This conflict may at times put the couple's relationship at risk of separation and breakdown. It aims to improve child development and outcomes, parenting, family resilience and family relationships. The Being a Parent Together course creates a trusting group ethos, where parents are encouraged and supported.

Duration: 10 weeks

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