Homeless support

There are many different reasons why you may find you're at risk of becoming homeless and need support.

This page has advice on problems with your landlord, when you can't pay for the home you're living in, and when you can no longer continue to live with your family.

If your landlord is slow making repairs to your home you should formally write to them to request they make the repairs (in a letter or by email). If they don't do the repairs you can get advice from the Council's Private Standards Team.

Sheffield City Council: Report disrepair in private rented properties.

Call: 0114 273 4680.

The team can also give advice on tenancy law and offences. They advise on things like: eviction by a landlord, harassment by a landlord and ending a tenancy.

Sheffield City Council: Tenancy law and rights advice for tenants.

If your landlord has served you a notice you can contact the Council's Tenancy Relations Service for advice. Not all notices served are valid and the team can check that for you.

Sheffield City Council: Help for private tenants given notice to leave.

Sheffield Shelter has a city centre drop in where you can get advice on a range of housing issues including problems with your landlord like delays with repairs and harassment. More details below.

If you're struggling to pay for your home you may need support with maximising your income. You can visit the entitledto website to check you're claiming all the money you're entitled to.


You can also get advice from Citizen’s Advice Sheffield.

Citizen's Advice Sheffield.

Call: 0808 278 7820.

You may be able to claim discretionary housing payments to help cover any shortfall in your rent payments. Get more advice from the Council.

Sheffield City Council: Discretionary Housing Payment and Council Tax Hardship Scheme.

Sheffield Shelter has a city centre drop in where you can get advice about housing issues including debt problems and benefits issues, being evicted or having your home repossessed. More details below.

Sometimes there may be conflict at home and this can cause family networks to breakdown.

If you would like support with conflict resolution in the household you can call on Roundabout’s Talk It Out service.

Roundabout: Talk It Out Mediation Service.

Call: 0800 193 5222.

If you're homeless or at risk of homelessness you can get help from the Council's Housing Solutions Team.

Sheffield City Council: Help if you're homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Call: (0114) 273 6306 (Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5 pm), or 0800 7311 689 (emergency out of hours).

Shelter offers a wide range of help and advice on all housing and homelessness issues. Advice around homelessness, or being worried you’ll soon become homeless, looking for accommodation, problems with a landlord, being evicted or repossessed, debt problems, benefits issues, problems with disrepair, going to court regarding your housing. They also offer some specialist services including a family support service for families with complex needs, and specialist support for children and young persons.

Call: 0330 175 5121.

Drop-in: 33-37 Hereford Street, Sheffield S1 4PP. Open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

Shelter also has an emergency helpline if you're homeless, have nowhere to stay tonight, are worried about losing your home, or are at risk of harm or abuse in your home.

Call: 03301 755 121.

On their website they give online advice for a quick answer on your housing rights, or your next steps.


Shelter: Housing advice

Shelter: Webchat.

If you're sleeping rough or are concerned about someone who's sleeping rough, contact the Street Outreach Team run by Framework Housing Association.

Framework Housing Association

The Cathedral Archer Project is a place where homeless and vulnerable people can change their lives for the better.

The Cathedral Archer Project.

There are many support services that help homeless people in Sheffield. This includes help with food and meals, substance misuse, and mental health support.

Foodbanks and places to get food.

Our Food banks advice page also gives information about places you can go to get a meal either for free, or paying what you can afford.

Food support.

The map below shows organisations in Sheffield that provide access to food. The main focus is on organisations that offer support to those in financial hardship. It includes a variety of organisations, such as food banks, food pantries and social eating spaces.

Click on the image of the map below to be taken to the live map on Voluntary Action Sheffield's website. The map is regularly updated. It points to where you can go to get support with accessing food, a meal or to offer to volunteer.

Map of Sheffield Foodbanks

Alcohol/substance misuse.

Likewise is the alcohol and drug service for adults across Sheffield. They help people choose not to use alcohol and drugs and reduce risk taking behaviour through dedicated prevention, intervention, and support.

They also support people to achieve and sustain recovery from problematic alcohol and drug use through a range of treatments. Likewise is a partnership of experienced local providers offering a complete choice of services, enabling us to provide help to anyone no matter how simple or complex their needs.


Call: 0114 308 7000.

Email: info@likewisesheffield.org.uk. 

Address: Portland House, 243 Moorfields, Sheffield, S3 8UG.

Mental health support.

The Homeless Assessment and Support Team (HAST) provides access to healthcare and support services for homeless people in Sheffield who have mental health problems

HAST aim to provide an assessment service and, where appropriate, to offer treatment to enable homeless people to access and engage with mainstream mental health services. 

Sheffield Health and Social Care Trust: Homeless Assessment and Support Team.

Call: 0114 226 2520.

Address: 44 Sidney Street, Sheffield, S1 4RH, open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

The Sheffield Support Hub offers free walk-in mental health support in a welcoming, comfortable, non-judgemental, and non-clinical environment. An experienced staff team is available to provide emotional, social and practical support if you are in crisis or feel you are heading toward a crisis situation.

Mental Health Matters: Sheffield Support Hub.

Call: 07890 987384. 

Address: 44 Bank Street, Sheffield, S1 2DS, open Monday to Friday 6pm - midnight, Saturday and Sunday 2pm – midnight.

Domestic Abuse.

Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) offers free, confidential support and advice, access to emergency accommodation for anyone who is subject to domestic abuse.

Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS).

Call: 0800 808 2241, Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm. 

Refugees and Asylum Seekers.

Sheffield City of Sanctuary. The multi-agency drop-in is the advice and information hub for people seeking sanctuary in Sheffield. 

It aims to challenge the hostile environment and reduce practical barriers to accessing support by bringing together different agencies in one easily accessible and central location. 

Sheffield City of Sanctuary staff and volunteers use the space to signpost visitors to the right organisation for their needs and provide information and guidance about other support available in the city.

Sheffield City of Sanctuary.

Charities and voluntary organisations.
There are Sheffield-based charities and voluntary organisations who help homeless people - providing things like: meals, showers, clothing, medical and dental care, internet and telephone access. 


View all services on the directory for that provide homeless support.

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