This can be with a Foster Carer or at a Residential Children’s Home.

Cartoon girl in a wheelchair

Foster Care Short Break

This gives disabled children and young people an overnight short break in a family home. Some Foster Carers also provide some daytime care.

Who can attend?

If your child or young person:

  • has high level complex needs
  • is unable to access other short break services

You may be able to receive a short break provided by a Foster Carer.

Residential Home Short Break

There are four residential homes in Sheffield that offer overnight short breaks.

Who can attend?

If your child or young person:

  • has a higher complexity of need
  • is having a big impact on the family when caring for them

You may be able to receive a short break provided in a residential home.

Click on the residential home names below to find out more.

Gibson House provides overnight short breaks for up to 9 children and young people. It is for young people aged 11-18 with learning disabilities.

It also provides care for 6 children and young people on a full-time basis.  Again, these are young people aged 11-18 with learning disabilities.

Mulberry Lodge provides overnight short breaks for up to 6 children and young people. It is for children and young people aged 7-18 with learning disabilities.

Rushey Meadow provides overnight short breaks for up to 6 children and young people. It is for children and young people aged 7-18 with learning disabilities.

Chancet Wood provides overnight short breaks for up to 6 children and young people. It is for young people aged 5 to 18 years with a physical disability and / or severe multiple disabilities.

How much service will I receive?

The number of nights provided will be based on need. This may be the needs of the:

  • child or young person
  • parents or carers
  • wider family

How do I apply?

You need to ask the local authority to carry out an assessment of need. To do this, contact the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub on 0114 2734855. Explain you have a child with a disability and would like to request a social care single assessment. The local authority must complete this assessment within 45 working days.

The Social Worker will meet with you and your child or young person to carry out a Social Care Section 17 Single Assessment.

The Social Worker will then set up a Child in Need Meeting. This involves all relevant people including the parent/carer(s).  They undertake a full and broad assessment of the child or young person’s social care needs.

If the Child In Need Meeting shows that the young person’s needs can be met by providing an overnight short break

The case will be passed onto the Residential Team.  They will decide on the most suitable type of placement.  This could be either as a foster care placement or in a residential setting.

If approved for a foster care placement

The request will go to the Learning Disabilities and Difficulties Panel.  This is to find a Foster Carer to best meet your child or young person’s needs.

A planning meeting takes place to meet the Foster Carers in their home.  Here they discuss the child or young persons needs, routines and introductions.  A review of this service happens every year.  The foster placement can last until your child’s 18th birthday.  After this, adult services would become involved.

For more information about transitions and when adult services become involved click here.

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