SEND Careers Advice - Community Youth Services Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Team

A Council run service which provides careers advice for young people.

Supports young people: Year 9 to Year 14 with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.

People involved: Advisers from the Community Youth Services Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Team.


  • Personal careers guidance interviews with young people
  • Attendance and input of personal careers guidance at EHC Plan Annual Review meetings. This is from Year 9 through to Year 14
  • Group work
  • Drop ins
  • Support to careers lead on Gatsby benchmarks
  • Attendance at Post 16 and Parent events

The Advisers are linked to Secondary Special Schools in Sheffield. The schools that advisers are linked to include:

  • Bents Green School
  • Talbot Specialist School
  • Seven Hills School
  • Holgate Meadows
  • Heritage Park

Advisers have an allocation of time that they can work in each school.  They will work with the school to agree this for the academic year.

SEND Careers Advice Post 16 - no longer in school

The Team can also give careers information, advice and guidance to any young person aged 16 - 19 who has left school, has an EHC Plan and is Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).

How to refer

For pupils attending a secondary special school in Sheffield, referrals are made through the school.

For any young person aged 16 - 19 who has left school, has an EHC Plan and is Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), please contact:
