There are different options for where young people with SEND can live in Sheffield. If you have a social worker, you can talk to them about these options too.

5 cartoon characters, one is in a wheelchair

Click on the dropdown options to find out more.

Some people need care and support to live as well as possible with any:

  • illness
  • disability
  • impairment

Carers can come to your home for 24-hour care.  They can come for a few hours.  This could be for a few days or many months. They can help with personal care. This is things like:

  • getting washed
  • getting dressed
  • helping with meals

This type of care is often carried out by home care agencies.

The support arranged follows a social care assessment that looks at what help you need. Either the council or you would pay for home care.  It would depend on your income and savings.

You can find out more by clicking on the logo below.

Picture in balck and white of Sheffield.  Text is in white font and says Sheffield City Council

If you are over 16 years old and have ongoing support needs, you can be matched to an approved carer.  They share their home to give you care, support and housing.

This could be for:

  • short break placements
  • long-term placements – with you becoming part of someone’s household and family

In Sheffield this is known as Shared Lives. Talk to your social worker to find out more about living with or visiting an approved carer in their home.

If you do not have a social worker but want to find out more, please contact the First Contact Team on 0114 273 4908.

You can find out more by clicking on the logo below.

Picture in balck and white of Sheffield.  Text is in white font and says Sheffield City Council

This is when individuals live in the community.  This is often a place they live that is shared with other people who have similar needs and interests.

There is support during the day (and/or night) as needed. Supported living gives people more:

  • rights
  • choices
  • control over their own lives

The support can look different for different people.  It depends on what the person needs.

Supported living can help someone who is finding it difficult to cope at home.  It can be the next step towards someone getting more independence in their life. It can be helpful for people with a learning disability who need a little extra help in some areas of their lives but still have a lots of independence in other areas.  Either the council or you would pay for this.  It would depend on your income and savings.

Supported living accommodation is arranged by social workers.  They can talk to you about what you want to achieve, where you want to live and who you want to live with.

If you do not have a social worker but want to find out more, please contact the First Contact Team on 0114 273 4908.

Social Housing provide homes that are:

  • affordable
  • secure

It is for people on low incomes or with certain needs.  It is for those who cannot get other housing. Social housing is provided by local authorities and non-profit organisations like housing associations.

A lot of people want social housing. Priority is given to certain groups of people who urgently need to move. This can include people who are:

  • homeless
  • have certain health and welfare needs including SEND
  • living in overcrowded housing

You can join Sheffield City Council’s Housing Register.  You can then bid for council and some housing association properties.  This is through the Property Shop website. Click on the button more to find out more.

Purple rectangle with text that says council homes

Find out more about housing associations by clicking on the below button.

Blue rectangle with text that says housing association

If you need extra support when you are living in social housing, this can be arranged with you.  There may be a cost to this.

If you need to make changes to your home to help you manage better and be more independent, contact the Health and Housing Team . The team can offer advice, equipment and adaptations.

If your home can't be adapted the Health and Housing team can help you to look at other homes.

Find out more by clicking on the logo below.

Picture in balck and white of Sheffield.  Text is in white font and says Sheffield City Council

Help to pay rent or Council Tax

You may be able to get help to pay your rent or Council Tax.  This will depend on your income, savings and needs.

Preparing for Adulthood’ have written a booklet called No Place Like Home.  This is to help people with learning disabilities find the right housing choice for them.

Open the guide by clicking on the button below.

Green rectangle with text that says booklet

Sheffield City Council have more information on their website. Click on the logo below to find out more.

Picture in balck and white of Sheffield.  Text is in white font and says Sheffield City Council

2 cartoon people stood next to a red sofa and plant

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