Preparing for adulthood helps you:

  • live more independent as possible as adults
  • achieve your full potential

4 oval shapes.  Orange oval is number 1 and says getting ready for employment or other meaningful activity. Blue oval is number 2 and says developing independence skills, finding somewhere to live and getting good support.  Purple oval is number 3 and says friends, relationships and being part of a community.  Green oval is number 4 and says achieving as healthy a life as possible.

Helping young people with SEND become more independent can be life changing.

Preparation for adulthood should happen from the earliest years and no later than age 13 or 14.

Preparation for adulthood must be talked about in an annual review for those with an Education, Health, and Care Plan.  This is from Year 9 onwards.

Who's responsibility is it?

Preparing for adulthood is everyone’s responsibility. This helps all young people SEND, not just those with an Education, Health and Care Plan.

You can help with preparing for adulthood.  Your parent or carer, or another person who knows you well can help too.  Staff in schools and colleges, health, care, community services and the voluntary sector can help you.

An important part of preparing for adulthood is making your hopes and views heard.

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