5 cartoon people, one is in a wheelchair

Annual reviews from Year 9 onwards must have a focus on preparing for adulthood.

Outcomes should be reviewed and updated as needed. 

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If you are looking at leaving your current school after Year 11, think about what help you need to move to the next setting. Plan visits to taster sessions and ask your school to invite post-16 providers to review meetings.  This is to help your move be successful.

SENDSARS will ask for your post-16 choices over the summer term of Year 10 into autumn of Year 11.  

Talk to your teachers about any help needed in exams (access arrangements). Any arrangements you will need for your GCSE exams should be in place by the start of Year 10. 

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Consider post-16 education options. You may want to visit further education (FE) departments, colleges, supported internships, training providers and voluntary opportunities. 

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Ask your school about post-16 support and planning advice.

You should experience work placements/vocational opportunities. You should also be invited to talk to a careers specialist to put the beginning of a plan in place.   

You might want to think about independent travel training.  This is to help you travel from home to school on your own. 

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Think about some of the life skills you may need. Can you start doing small errands to a local shop, or making small purchases for yourself/your family?

Could you help out with jobs around your home.  For example, making dinner for your family or hoovering.  

Think about what is important to you about friends/social life in the future and how this might be achieved.

Think about how your existing friendships can be kept and developed.

Look on the Local Offer webpage to find:

  • youth clubs
  • leisure opportunities
  • community and volunteer groups.

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Annual health checks continue with a GP for people with Learning Disabilities.  This is for those aged 14+.  

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If you have a long-term health condition make sure you have started the Ready, Steady, Go questionnaires with the NHS service. 

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